I always try to be laid back and easy going but I love a good debate if it's something I'm interested in.
Despite some anti-social instincts I learned in my childhood, I always try to put people first.
Neurodivergency is a bitch and a half. My brain feels unpredictable, Autism demands consistancy but ADHD
demands diversity and sometimes I feel like I'm being torn in half being pulled arm by arm in two different directions.
I have a long history with addictions of all kinds including content, drugs and porn. I'm stonger now and I try to
use the lessons I learned to help others who stuggle like I did.
I'm a sensitive guy, but I know better than to let trolls get to me. I grew up during the Filthy Frank/IDubbbz era
of Youtube so I can look past a lot of words we only describe using their first letter if you catch my drift.