A few things you may have noticed.
1. If there was even a mention of someone with potential access to VRChat,
I was like "bRiNg Em oVeR hErE!!1!1" I was feeling more extroverted than normal.
2. I kinda said whatever was on my mind, even when I maybe shouldn't have.
For example, 9:39.
3. I was mouth breathing really hard. The sensation of shrooms is very exhilarating.
4. I was moving around a lot. Shrooms make me do that, I could hardly sit still in my chair.
In fact, the first time I did shrooms I couldn't stay off the floor for very long haha.
For anyone who doesn't know much about shrooms or phychedelics in general,
no, I wasn't "seeing things". The colors were warping from redder hues to bluer hues,
and stuff was kinda wavy, but I was definitley present in reality. I had no additional
sensation of touch or being touched. In fact, other than sight, my senses were pretty much the same.